Modelo se desnuda para hacer yoga y lo publica

Nude Yoga Girl es la nueva sensación en internet, y aquí te contamos por qué

Imagen: Cortesía Instagram

Imagen: Cortesía Instagram

Deportes 09/09/2016 05:00 Redacción Actualizada 08:31

Sin lugar a dudas Instagram se ha vuelto una plataforma para dar a conocer grandes bellezas, ingeniosos tutoriales e incluso admirables obras de arte, sin embargo, también ofrece sorpresas como la protagonizada por una joven instagramer que comparte al mundo su inusual forma de practicar yoga.

Nude Yoga Girl es el seudónimo de la chica que comparte fotografías de ella practicando diversas poses de yoga, sin una pieza de ropa encima.

Las instantáneas son cuidadosamente hechas, pues a través de un buen manejo de luces y sombras logran inspirar al espectador pues también derrochan sensualidad.

Cabe señalar que la joven ha ganado, en poco menos de un año, más de 300 mil seguidores, mismos que día a día la animan a seguir con su propósito y la han convertido en toda una guía para seguir una vida más saludable.

Te dejamos la imágenes de esta sexy sensación de Internet.




I believe that our body-mind connection is very strong. Body and mind are an inseparable set and if we control one of them that affects the other one also. Teamwork can produce amazing results in many ways if we learn to use it. Think about placebo, imaginary training, meditation... Your mind influences your body. Also positive thinking is one example that affects stress and through it physical health too. By doing sports you can physically affect your mental wellbeing. If you feel sad, you can do yoga and feel better. Pleasure hormones endorphins are released. There is a lot of examples where controlling and practicing your mind or body affects also the other. I really see it in everyday life how much it affects if I'm positive or negative, optimistic or pessimist. Self-acceptance is one thing. Loving our own body doesn't start from our body, it starts from our mind. And if your mind says you are beautiful, you also feel like that. And I'm sure everyone else can see it too. Persons who carrie themselves well are so gorgeous!

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el 27 de Jun de 2016 a la(s) 12:56 PDT


How is your monday?☺ Today I went to the gym in the morning (I like to do also other sports besides yoga)... During winter time it's harder for me to train before work but a training session in the morning is the best! My day gets such a good start from it and I always get in a very productive mood. If you can make a habit from doing even a 10-15 min yoga or sport session in the morning, it's very good for your health, body and mind. I think everyone has time for that if they want to. It's not easy in the beginning but the feeling that you can get for the rest of the day after an early wake up and morning routine, is worth it. When you start your day in a very productive way, you actually make better use of your time during the rest of the day also. So I think that you actually get more hours in your day. Sometimes the answer to how to get more energy in your life is very simple. Yoga, meditation, morning workout, nutritionally rich food, being passionate about your work... Are my answers.

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el 18 de Ene de 2016 a la(s) 10:47 PST


It's a fact that our environment influences our features more than genes. We are social and shaped by society, culture, family and friends. We easily think that "I'm just like that so what can I do. I'm not that kind of type. I can't do it.." Yes we have our own natural personality but we can always improve ourselves and learn new things. I have always said that I'm bad driver. And yes, I made myself bad at driving a car because I avoid it all the time. Or to learn languages, singing, skateing, handstands.. Those have never been easy for me and I haven't even tried to learn any of them seriously before... I decided that it's just not for me and I can't learn it better. How can we learn if we don't even try? Our attitude is so important if we want to be better at something or learn new things. We can't become excellent without hard work. Sometimes it seems so easy for someone else. We easily think that she/he is just very talented, good genes. But I have seen it and I believe that behind all of it there are many hours of work, perseverance and sacrifice. We are never too old to surprise ourselves. We can do it if we are curious, brave and positive and if we remeber that there is no failure in trying.

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el 14 de Abr de 2016 a la(s) 11:42 PDT

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