Se hacen llamar Ecosexuales

Nueva tendencia: Personas tienen sexo con la Tierra

En redes sociales y en movimientos alrededor del mundo se ha mirado una nueva tendencia sexual y ecológica, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de ambas disciplinas

Foto: Cortesía de Twitter

Foto: Cortesía de Twitter

Sexo 08/11/2016 13:00 Redacción Actualizada 12:51

Si pensaban que en la sexualidad ya se había visto todo, hay un grupo que pronto exigirá sus derechos delante de la sociedad mundial: Los ecosexuales.

Esto porque estas personas creen que teniendo relaciones sexuales con elementos de la naturaleza, podrán salvar al planeta Tierra.

Según un manifiesto que Annie Sprinkle y Elizabeth Stevens publicaron y se viralizó en redes sociales, afirman que la Tierra es su amante y que sienten atracción física por cada una de sus zonas.

Incluso, afirman, sienten mucha atracción por las curvas de nuestro planeta, y que este sentimiento va a ayudar a mantenerla a salvo de nosotros mismos.

¿No nos crees? Mira el manifiesto y las imágenes.

Imagen: Cortesía


Imagen: Cortesía


We’ve all been quite violently destroying the planet for decades now, and unfortunately the situation doesn’t show any signs of improving. We all feel guilty and wish we could do something that would make a difference – recycling, going vegan, cycling to work instead of driving… . . Well, have you considered that maybe you also need to have sex with some plant matter? . . According to Vice, ‘#ecosexuals’ believe that they can save the earth by copulating with it. Yes, you read that correctly – although ecosexuality encompasses a lot of different things. According to #AmandaMorgan from the University of Nevada, it can range from using sustainable sex products or going skinny dipping and naked hiking, to people who ‘roll around in the dirt having an orgasm covered in potting soil’. . . ‘There are people who fuck trees, or #masturbate under a waterfall,’ Morgan added. . . Ecosexual activists #AnnieSprinkle and Elizabeth Stevens have even published an ‘ecosex manifesto‘ online, and have produced films and plays on the subject. . . In that, they describe themselves as ‘polymorphous and pollen-amorous’, which pun-lovers will no doubt appreciate. . . And it appears the waterfall masturbating is pretty popular – there has been a marked increase in people identifying as ecosexual over the last decade. In fact, Sprinkle and Stevens told #Outsidemagazine that the figure was higher than 100,000. . . ‘We will save the mountains, waters and skies by any means necessary,’ they write in the manifesto. ‘Especially through love, joy and our powers of seduction.’

Una foto publicada por Melodychuksblog (@melodychuksblog) el 3 de Nov de 2016 a la(s) 9:27 PDT

Foto: Cortesía de Twitter

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